Saturday, November 26, 2011

What is that ASCII Art From the Portal Credits


The end credits to Portal include a bunch of ASCII art, but one of them is really hard to make out. The one below looks like some sort log-cake or something. I’ve tried resizing it up and down, but it did not make it any clearer.

My best guess (if I really squint and stretch my imagination) is that it is supposed to be one of GLaDOS’s spheres.

Can anyone shed some light on what it is supposed to be?

enter image description here


According to the ASCII art it's "GLADOS"

Check this page. Look at the second post, click Show and scroll down to GLADOS you'll see the same ASCII art there in reference to that name.

EDIT: In case that page goes away here it is

"GLADOS1" "[12.000]       #+ @      # #              M#@   "
"GLADOS2" "[12.000] .    .X  X.%##@;# #   +@#######X. @#%  "
"GLADOS3" "[12.000]   ,==.   ,######M+  -#####%M####M-    #"
"GLADOS4" "[12.000]  :H##M%:=##+ .M##M,;#####/+#######% ,M#"
"GLADOS5" "[12.000] .M########=  =@#@.=#####M=M#######=  X#"
"GLADOS6" "[12.000] :@@MMM##M.  -##M.,#######M#######. =  M"
"GLADOS7" "[12.000]             @##..###:.    .H####. @@ X,"
"GLADOS8" "[12.000]   ############: ###,/####;  /##= @#. M "
"GLADOS9" "[12.000]           ,M## ;##,@#M;/M#M  @# X#% X# "
"GLADOS10" "[12.000].%=   ######M## ##.M#:   ./#M ,M #M ,#$ "
"GLADOS11" "[12.000]##/         $## #+;#: #### ;#/ M M- @# :"
"GLADOS12" "[12.000]#+ #M@MM###M-;M #:$#-##$H# .#X @ + $#. #"
"GLADOS13" "[12.000]      ######/.: #%=# M#:MM./#.-#  @#: H#"
"GLADOS14" "[12.000]+,.=   @###: /@ %#,@  ##@X #,-#@.##% .@#"
"GLADOS15" "[12.000]#####+;/##/ @##  @#,+       /#M    . X, "
"GLADOS16" "[12.000]   ;###M#@ M###H .#M-     ,##M  ;@@; ###"
"GLADOS17" "[12.000]   .M#M##H ;####X ,@#######M/ -M###$  -H"
"GLADOS18" "[12.000]    .M###%  X####H  .@@MM@;  ;@#M@      "
"GLADOS19" "[12.000]      H#M    /@####/      ,++.  / ==-,  "
"GLADOS20" "[12.000]               ,=/:, .+X@MMH@#H  #####$="

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