Friday, November 4, 2011

What are Feltrite Crystals traded for in Rage?


In RAGE, Fellix Hagar tells me that Feltrite Crystals are very rare and only to trade them for something I really want. They can be sold to a merchant for $25 each. Can they be traded for anything at all in the game, or should I just sell them immediately?


You can trade 20 of them to Jacob, he's in the bar in wellspring, for a defib upgrade (which means you can die one more time before a game over)

There is virtually unlimited feltrite in the game so selling a few doesnt matter. driving around the wasteland will occasionally activate missions automatically. One of the missions requires you to collect 7 falling feltrites, afterwhich you keep all 7. I just recently came across another one where it was "collect as many as you can in the time given" i got a whopping 15.

As far as any other use outside that 1 upgrade, I dont know of any.

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