Saturday, November 26, 2011

How to improve Light Amor as an Archer?


I play as an archer, which means sneaking and killing foes off at long range. Problem is, once a creature gets too close to me, I am in a world of troubles. (A random dragon encounter is fair game if I can snipe it off, but a random bear encounter is the thing I fear mostly. Three strikes of such a vicious beast and I drop dead.)

At short range, I use a one-hand sword with shield, but I do not want to put much perks into those skills, as I want to be a sneakish archer first.

Which leaves Light Amor. But to get certain perks I need some skill points, e.g., 30 points are required for the "Custom Fit"- and 40 for "Agile Defender 2/5"-perk. Yet I have no clue how to accumulate those points.

Many enemies won't even see me, so I seldom will be hit. Getting hits means getting skills point. Letting some enemies come close to me and let me hit me on purpose sometimes helps, but since I cannot stand much damage I mostly die erasing any hard earned process.

So is there a teacher for Light Amor like there is for other skills? And if not, how should I go on to improve the Light Amor skill?


There are three trainers for light armor (source):

  • Scouts-Many-Marshes | Located: Windhelm | Adept (0 - 50)
  • Grelka | Location: Riften | Expert (0 - 75)
  • Nazir | Location: Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary* | Master (0 - 90)

*Nazir eventually moves to the Dawnstar Sanctuary if you are doing the Dark Brotherhood quest

@Layke outlines an effective way to use a trainer to level up without needing to worry about money, and also level up your pickpocketing skill at the same time. In a nutshell you just train, then pick pocket back your money, rinse and repeat.

A method to level light armor without making use of a skill trainer is to find a weak enemy (like a mud crab), and just let them attack you for awhile. If you use a healing spell to keep your health up, you shouldn't run into any problems. Using this method you'll be able to level of your Restoration skill as well.

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