Thursday, November 3, 2011

Countering Shyvana as a ranged


Ooof, Shyvana seems to be a bit overpowered compared to the rest of the champions. Or, at least if you believe the complaints from all opposing players anyway :D

Typically I play a ranged character, such as Ashe. I attempt to harass her, yet she manages to keep up and overtake me as I run away, even with speed buffs.

What are some typical methods of dealing with such a character? I have even tried circling a turret in Dominion, yet still manage to get drained of health nearly instantly.


I played her, and I believe she is OP indeed. Very good farming abilities and a dragon form nearly always available.

However :

  • She hasn't got any dash, so you see her coming (except for dragon form)
  • She has no CC (no slow, no stun, no snare...)
  • She has no native life steal
  • Except for her "E", she hasn't got any ranged dps
  • You can see when her dragon form is up


  • You shouldn't be laning 1v1 vs Shivana with Ashe because she should solo top when ashe should be the carry AD on bot lane with a support.
  • What I would simply do is "not push" and fight by tower to get your farm and xp without her killing you. When you can stay at tower range and hit her, do so, but else concentrate on farm. (Plus, if lane is pushed for her, easier for your jungler to come and gank)
  • If she keeps up with you even with speed buffs, its because her "Z" gives her (30/35/40/45/50%) speed bonus. When playing her, the typical problem is that enemies just use a speed buff and run away, you aren't able to slow them (this is why frozen mallet is a recommended item) or dash to them, you only rely on your "z" to catch them, but they get to tower to fast and you have to abandon pursuit.


  • You shouldn't be fighting alone vs Shivana either. Ashe is not the bot lane pusher.
  • Stay at max range, if you harass her, apply your slow so she can't run to you
  • When dragon form is up, don't be aggressive Take extra caution and stay back, fight only near a tower that is yours.
  • Ask your teammates for help to push / gank, a ranged carry shouldn't be wasted on solo laning unless for a gank.


In general, ranged AD carry shouldn't be solo laning versus fighters. If they however do so, they should be extra cautious, stay near a tower or have an escape plan ready and keep mana needed to throw all offensive spells when ally comes for gank.

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