Friday, November 25, 2011

Are there crash logs for Skyrim?


I have crashed twice in a row while mixing healing potions.

Is there a log I can go look at to see what I am doing that is causing the crash? (Or do I just need to lay off the potions for a while?)


At C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\GameOverlayUI.exe.log you will find this helpful message:

Fri Nov 25 04:11:22 2011 UTC - Generating new string page texture 2730: 128x256, total string texture memory is 393.22 KB
Fri Nov 25 04:56:43 2011 UTC - Detected possibly crashed/killed game, exiting
Fri Nov 25 04:56:43 2011 UTC - Shutting down overlay

There is a dialog in Steam to allow you to pass arguments to the game. It could be that one of them is for debug mode.

I found that it would start crashing at a savepoint more often if there were a lot of dead bodies scattered around. I went into the console and marked them for deletion, and then it got past that point. I also managed to delete a small lake in the process.

But it still crashes.

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