Sunday, October 30, 2011

What does GLaDOS mean with “One day they woke me up”?


A few days back I completed Portal and Portal 2. I had a lot of questions about this awesome game, like who Caroline is, why there's no personnel and other things that I didn't understand.

I am interested in the start of story. There was a line in the ending song Want You Gone:

One day they woke me up

What does this mean? Who woke her up or does this line have another meaning?


They mean the day she was initialized. During the game Cave Johnson mentions that he wants his team to take the personality of Caroline and put her in a computer.

Since GLaDOS exists, we must assume that his team succeeded in doing this. So they started building her and putting Caroline's personality into GLaDOS. Then, one day they woke her up so she could live forever and feel bad for Chell because it'll never happen to her.

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