Sunday, October 30, 2011

What are the base stats for each tower per upgrade level?


Although I primarily play an apprentice, I will be experimenting with the other classes. Therefore, I am interested in knowing the health, attack speed, damage, and range for every tower and for all upgrade levels of the towers. For towers that do not deal damage, knowing their health levels and the degree to which their other effects scale per tower level would be sufficient.

Edit: I am interested in the base stats, not stats for all possible builds. If you want to tack on how the stats affect each tower, however (such as: +.5 damage per point in tower damage), that would be a nice touch!


Okay, I spent over an hour trying to convert these tables into something readable for the format here, but frankly, I think it's best if you check out the information on the Dungeon Defenders Wikia Wiki itself, specifically the Tower articles. The conversion I attempted to do to fit the format here was ugly and less handy to look at and scroll through. In addition, when these values change due to patches, I likely would've been referencing the wiki anyway for the value changes, so it seems best to point you to the primary source.

For instance, if you go to the Gas Trap article, you can find all the statistics you are looking for in the table, like Number of Activations, Defense Units, Effective Range, Effective Duration, Activation Range, Detonation Reset Time, and Mana to Upgrade. There are links at the bottom of that article for every single class tower with all the information you are looking for!

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