Friday, October 14, 2011

Old PC Point and Click game, possibly educational, involves kid solving historical(?) puzzles


I'm not going to lie: My description of this game is going to be extremely vague. I remember it was a popular game on an old PC back in a daycare center, (which for me would be the 1990s) which various people played.

From what I remember, it was definitely on a PC. It was pixel art, but was very detailed (at least, to my childhood mind it was). It was 2D, 3rd person and the standard point & click investigating and moving adventure deal. If I remember correctly, it involved a teenager or young adult that possibly wore glasses. He and some sort of partner went to different areas and solved puzzles that involved historical events or factual information...

I -think- one of them involved Abraham Lincoln in some way. If I were to take a stretch, the partner (or one of the characters,) was a robot. I think one of the screens involved a library, as well.

New to this site and this game has been bugging me forever, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys!


After the above comment-thinking, could it be Museum Madness?


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