Thursday, October 20, 2011

How important is hard drive size with the PS3?


I am going to order a PS3 today and I have the God of War 160gb bundle in my sights. However I just saw there is a God of War 250gb bundle for $50 more. Is it worth the $50 to get the extra 90gb of storage? How important is hard drive size with the PS3? Given I play a lot of Rock Band and am switching from my Wii to PS3 for Rock Band because I cannot download songs on the Wii. I am also going to be playing the Final Fantasy XIV so I may have just answered my own question, but I would still like to hear your thoughts on it?

[update] Thank you for the input. I decided to go with the 250gb model, and FFXIV for the PS3, with netflix, FF and Rock Band I figured I would burn the space, plus I am using the system as my primary Blu Ray player for movies. I never thought of adding an extra hard drive so thanks for that!


It really depends on your usage. Many PS3 games have a forced "install" where sometimes multiple gigabytes of data are copied to HD storage for fast in-game reads (looking at you Metal Gear Solid 4). As well, some games on PSN can be quite large, not to mention that PSN has a few full-fledged retail PS3 games available for download, as well as high def movies.

Having said all that, it looks like Rock Band song downloads are around thirty megabytes a piece, giving you space for ~500 songs on the 120gb model.

Also, the commenter above is correct, the PS3 (including the slim) can be upgraded with any 2.5 inch HD in the future if you run out of space.

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