Thursday, October 20, 2011

Go with Ryogo or not?


In Front Misson 3, you make a choice early in the game that determines which of two plots your game will follow. In one version, Emma joins your party. In the other version, Alisa joins your party. Also since the versions have different plots, you fight in different battles. What other differences exist between the 2 plot versions?


What's different besides a different story and a different set of enemies in different locations? Not much.

Of course, just with those few differences, you've already got an almost entirely different game. IIRC, one of the main side-effects of that choice is that you're choosing between a "missile-based" ally and a "close combat" ally.

I think the most important difference is the set of enemies you're up against, because that determines what skills your pilots are going to pick up. One story leads very quickly to the powerful "Pilot DMG" skills which then allows you to capture complete wanzers by taking out the pilot without totally destroying wanzer parts.

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