Monday, October 10, 2011

Does the number of farmland blocks around Melon or Pumpkin plants increase the rate of growth?


Does the number of farmland blocks around Melon or Pumpkin plants increase the rate of growth?

Is 1 Farmland beside the Melon or Pumpkin seed less effective in growing the crop? 1 Farmland

Or is 4 Farmland beside the Melon or Pumpkin seed more effective?

4 Farmland


I'm going to borrow the code for Melon/Pumpkin growing from John's answer to a related question:

int i1 = random.nextInt(4);
int j1 = i;  // Assuming j1 and k1 are the horizontal axes...
int k1 = k;
if(i1 == 0)  // North
if(i1 == 1) // South
if(i1 == 2) // East
if(i1 == 3) // West
    k1++; // or somthing like that, anyway.
if(world.getBlockId(j1, j, k1) == 0 && world.getBlockId(j1, j - 1, k1) == Block.tilledField.blockID)  // Make sure the targeted block is empty and below it is farmland...
    world.setBlockWithNotify(j1, j, k1, field_35297_a.blockID); // Place a melon.

This code works by first picking a direction, then checking if it is farmland, and then placing a melon/pumpkin if it is. Therefore you will get higher yield if there are more farmland blocks around the vine, as if you only have 1 there is only a 1/4 chance of this function creating a melon/pumpkin when it is triggered.

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