Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What are the tournament/pro level graphics settings for Unreal Tournament 2004?


In UT2004 - what are the recommended tournament level graphics settings?

For example, like in Quake 3 the professionals set their graphics to only show the necessary elements in the game, and maximize the size of their opponents graphics boxes.

e.g. removing unnecessary/distracting textures.


There are none. You can tone your graphics settings as you like and maybe set a custom crosshair and change the HUD size, but tournament holders sometimes have a strict policy of what the HUD has to look like.

And, you can't redefine or modify hitboxes in UT 2004, if that is what you mean. Playing with such values can get you kicked by the server security (Safegame, AntiTCC etc.) real fast.

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