Let's consider a match of 2v2 where:
- Terran is in team with either Zerg or Protoss;
- Terran can't wall-in for both bases together (their bases are too far away from each other).
From one perspective Terran should close the entrance to their own base with barracks/supply AND bunker. In this case, their 4 marines get 400 more hit-points.
From another perspective, very rarely will opponents attack a walled Terran. Instead they will go to the unwalled Zerg/Protoss. In this case, Terran will spend 100 minerals per each bunker build without real value: instead of taking 2 additional marines per bunker to help their teammate, they will keep concrete on the trash at their own base.
What do you think of that: should the Terran build bunkers on their own choke behind the wall?
Your question seems to be Should the Terran build bunkers as part of their initial wall-in?
If that's your question, I would advise not building bunkers as part of the wall. The cost of building a very early bunker just in case an opponent is rushing is not worth it. Yes, you can salvage the cost back later, but spending 100 minerals on a bunker instead of a depot or 2 SCV's early on will slow down your economy and production.
If you are building a bunker to counter a specific threat, that's one thing. But building one just on the off chance you're rushed is over-committing in my opinion. The rush may be in the form of zerglings or zealots, in which case your bunker doesn't help at all (since you are already hiding behind a supply depot wall). And as you said, some people will see your wall and just head for your teammate, also wasting the bunker.
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