Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Is there a second location where Spelunky saves data?


Does anyone know where Spelunky saves the data that is not in the folder it extracts to?

It seems like Spelunky doesn't let me move its folders to other computers and keep the shortcuts I worked so hard to get.


According to this wiki page, Spelunky saves game data (this includes which minigames and shortcuts have been opened) in the registry, specifically:

To save the state information, export the "834524" key under Game Maker.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Game Maker\Scores\834524] "Rank1"="[a whole buncha letters]"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Game Maker\Scores\834524] "Rank2"="[a whole buncha letters]"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Game Maker\Scores\834524] "Rank3"="[a whole buncha letters]"


Now, this appears to hold for the 0.9x versions of the game according to the wiki, but may very well hold for the latest version as well (1.1, from what I gather).

The wiki also points out that the portable version of Spelunky is more friendly in the game-state department, by saving all game information alongside the actual game. It also lets you import your current data from the registry, according to its feature list.

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