Sunday, September 11, 2011

Is it possible to change the Field of View (FOV) in Dead Island?


The default Field of View in Dead Island is quite cramped, and even though I'm not prone to motion sickness, I tend to get a headache when I play the game as a result. I went through the options, but there doesn't seem to be any way to adjust the FOV. Is there a workaround or a solution that would let me fix the FOV?


  1. Navigate to the Data folder in your Dead Island installation. This will vary based on whether you installed through Steam or put it in an install folder of your choice. In Steam, by default it is located here in \Steam\steamapps\common\dead island\DI\

  2. Locate the Data0.pak file and open it with a file archiving program such as WinRAR or 7-Zip.

  3. Inside Data0.pak you'll see a folder called Data and inside Data, you will find the `Skills' folder.

  4. Inside the Skills folder, locate the file default_levels.xml

  5. Now that you have found this file, navigate to My Documents\DeadIsland\out

  6. Inside the out folder, you're going to want to recreate the directory structure of where the XML files was located. Do this by creating a New Folder, name it Data, then inside that folder, create another New Folder and name this one Skills.

  7. Copy/Paste the default_levels.xml folder from the archive into the Skills folder. You can close your archiving program after this, as you wno't need it anymore.

  8. After pasting the default_levels.xml file, open it with a text editor such as Notepad.

  9. Locate the variable CamereaDefaultPOV. You can do this by using ctrl+F. You'll see v+"62.5" as the default value. Change this so something between 70 and 90, based on your preference. The general opinion is that 82.5 is the ideal.

  10. Save the file and exit. You may want to set it as "Read-only" like it's recommended in this question just to be safe.

You should be all set. The way this works is that the game apparently reads the settings that you set in this file before it reads the default files. Because this doesn't involve actually modding any of the game's actual data files, you shouldn't be at risk for VAC to flag you for cheating or something.


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