Sunday, September 11, 2011

Can I still get the Pacifist achievement if an NPC accidentally commits suicide?


Here I am playing on the hardest setting and trying to get the pacifist achievement also. I just finished the "Black Hawk Down" scene when you arrive back in Hengsha. After 5 MILLION retries I finally downed all the enemies non-lethally, and got the robot without any "colateral damage" or accidental kills. But...there's one guy who shoots a barrel that he's standing next to right at the beginning of my save.

Here's the question:

Does that guy count against my no kill record? Am I disqualified from the Pacifist achievement because of something the computer did? Would it be "safer" to just reload from an earlier point?


Looking at the wiki page:

I think incompetent AI may affect the achievement. I would rather be safe than sorry and make a save just before the shooting starts and go stealthy to the elevator. If your going for the saving Malik achievement go back to the save you made earlier and use lethal weaponry.

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