Sunday, August 21, 2011

What is this 2D Space Game where you jump between star systems and have to manage your energy through solar cells?


I played a semi-top-down 2D space shooter game (3d-looking, but it was actually 2d); you start with a rectangular whitish vehicle. The map contained star systems, and you accelerate and jump from place to place to reach your destination. It featured trades and upgrades. It was your usual "fly around, land on planets, shoot starships" kinda shooter.

The controls were up to move forward, down to move back, and left/right to rotate your ship. The starting ship had lots of inertia. I distinctly remember a "solar cell" upgrade, which recharged your jumping energy -- without which, you could get stranded. Later, you can get uber ships, including alien ships.

The plot forked in the middle; with one fork, you end up working with some sort of aliens and getting access to alien ships.

I don't recall much else -- HUD, enemies, planets, etc.

Not sure the name ... any ideas? This was probably circa the early 2000s.


My guess is probably Escape Velocity: Nova, made by Ambrosia Software.

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