Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What are the lyrics to the Turret Opera at the end of Portal 2?


So after you beat the main game and the finale movie starts to run, Chell's upward elevator-ing is abruptly halted by a quartet of turrets. Rather than shoot at you, they start to... sing?

What are the turrets singing about? Is it Latin? (And even if it isn't, what are the translated lyrics?)


Here is another interpretation which looks quite correct to me, it really feels like a song...


Cara bella, cara mia bella!
Mia bambina, o ciel! [pun: Chell = It. "Ciel" = Sky"]
Ché la stimo...
Ché la stimo.
O cara mia, addio!

La mia bambina cara,
perché non passi lontana?
Sì, lontana da Scïenza, [personified]
cara, cara mia bambina?
Ah, mia bella!
Ah, mia cara!
Ah, mia cara!
Ah, mia bambina!
O cara, cara mia...


Dear beautiful, my beautiful darling!
My child, oh Chell! [pun: "oh heavens!"]
For I hold her in esteem...
For I hold her in esteem.
Farewell to my dear!

My dear girl,
why do you not walk away?
Yes, away from Science,
my dear, my dear girl?
Ah, my beautiful!
Ah, my dear!
Ah, my dear!
Ah, my child!
Oh dear, my dear...


  • Attempts have been made by the author to translate non-literal but still with the same meaning.
  • bambina is a female child, in English you can drop this as it's clear from context.
  • Ciel seems to be used in a fun context, but in English only Chell would fit.
  • "Ché lástima" is "Ché la stimo" here, which turns into a better "for I hold her in esteem".


In my opinion, This song amongst other research around a portrait most likely reveals the parents of Chell.

I think this is true, because else they wouldn't use "bambina" nor let you search for the portrait.
Chell's project makes this even more convincing...

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