Monday, August 8, 2011

Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix for the colour blind


Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo CD Remix is an enjoyable game, however, for those afflicted with certain types of colour blindness like myself it can prove extremely difficult to play. The green and yellow gems look identical to me, and I can't seem to find an way to change their colour or design to make telling them apart easier, or possible for that matter.

Up to now I've had my friends tell me which blocks are coming down, and then I need to do my best to memorize the locations of the blocks once I've dropped them. In the heat of puzzley battle though, this isn't ideal.
enter image description here

Is there any other way for me to tell the green and yellow blocks apart, or better yet is their some way for me to either change the block colour or add unique designs for each colour?


Try adjusting the settings on your TV. This might make it easier to distinguish between the two colors.

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