Monday, August 8, 2011

Is there a list displaying the champions in order based on their auto attack range?


I quite enjoy playing harassing champs on LoL, and I am interested in which champions have the longest auto attack range. Is there a list displaying the order of champions with the highest range first? I cannot seem to find this resource anywhere.

From the top of my head I know Caitlyn, Annie and Ashe probably have the longest, but I know I will be missing some.

(I don't want to include skill range, or things such as Sivir's bouncing blade, I just want the raw range)


I have created an Excel file matching data from Wikia and LoL Builder Android app.

When I will finish all cross-checks maybe I will post the file in some online repository; in the meanwhile here it is the list of champions ordered by auto attack range:

Champion          Range
Kog'maw (lvl 5 W) 750
Tristana (lvl 18) 712
Caitlyn           650
Annie             625
Anivia            600
Ashe              600
Zilean            600
Kennen            575
Cassiopeia        550
Corki             550
Ezreal            550
Heimerdinger      550
Lux               550
Malzahar          550
Miss Fortune      550
Orianna           550
Ryze              550
Sona              550
Soraka            550
Tristana (lvl 1)  550 (+9 /lvl)
Vayne             550
Kayle (active E)  525
LeBlank           525
Nidalee           525
Vladimir          525
Twisted Fate      510
Kog'Maw           500
Teemo             500
Twitch            500
Fiddlesticks      480
Swain             480
Janna             475
Karthus           450
Veigar            450
Karma             425
Sivir             425
Urgot             425
Morgana           400

all other champions have a range of 175 or less.

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