Tuesday, August 2, 2011

In the final boss battle in Dead Space 2 should I expend a lot of ammo on the marker? (possible spoilers)


I've been having some trouble with the final boss battle, so I wanted some clarification on attacking the monolith.

When the heart of the monolith is exposed, is there any benefit to using a lot of ammo to attack it, or is it set up so you just need to get a shot in each time it opens up for x times?

If the number of shots don't matter against the heart I'd rather just save the ammo for the beasties around it, but I wanted to see if anyone knew the dynamics of what it takes to finish the level before wasting time on that strategy.


It takes a certain amount of damage to destroy it, so the answer is (of course) "It depends". Lot of people recommend using the contact beam, because you can whack Nicole, then nail the marker a couple of times, and kite the necros like a maniac. Since the contact beam does so much damage, you only have to last a few waves. If you have a lower damage weapon, you're going to have to hold out much longer.

The first time I beat it I'd carefully horded ammo for my (fully upgraded) pulse gun for the whole last chapter, so I just mowed down everything, then held down the trigger on the monolith till it closed. Worked pretty well. Didn't get through half the ammo I'd saved. Mowing down the necros also generates a bunch of ammo, so that's a plus to the "kill everything" approach.

The second time, I'd picked up a lot more weapons (given my preference I only use the plasma cutter and the pulse gun), and it was harder...I ended up having to go back a bit and sell one (effing flamethrower. What a waste.), and respec'd my contact beam through the roof.

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