As Omokoii's answer to this question suggests, you can use MC Edit to delete existing chunks in an old save so that, once 1.8 is out, those chunks will be generated anew, and they should respect the new version's additional landscape and other world-building features, like villages and the new biome. However, Ullallulloo pointed out that random seeds will generate different worlds in 1.8 than they used to, so deleted chunks will not be recreated exactly as they were.
Does that mean that new chunks will not line up seamlessly with old chunks? Just how abrupt will the transition from the old landscape to the new landscape be?
"How abrupt" depends entirely on the particular chunks in question, and is impossible to predict to boot. There's really no way to know until you try for yourself.
If you're unsure you want the potentially very obviously misaligned chunks, you can always backup your world before deleting it, reverting if the border does not line up particularly smoothly.
Check more discussion of this question.
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