Sunday, August 14, 2011

How to give an item to a Guild Member in Dragon Age Legends?


I'm playing Dragon Age Legends on Google Plus. When I select a piece of loot, I get gifts popping up at the bottom, telling me I can give them to my Guild Members.

enter image description here

But when I drag it to one of them, nothing happens. So I'm wondering how I can give an item to a Guild Member?


It's either a server error, or you're trying to give the gift to an NPC. What's supposed to happen is that you drag the item down to a guild member, and a dialog box will pop up, asking you if you want to pay "shipping costs" to send the selected item to the recipient.

enter image description here

The cost varies with the value of the item. If you click Send & Post, the item becomes available to the recipient, and the gold and item are deducted from your inventory.

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