Sunday, August 21, 2011

How do I kill the high dragon in Dragon Age 2?


At some point in the third chapter of the game you encounter a high dragon.

It is in the quest "Mine Massacre" in the bone pits.

Most of the combat so far in Dragon Age II is pretty easy, but this one drags on for a long time, consuming enormous amounts of potions and still that damned dragon just won't die. It doesn't help that the dragon seems to be immune to most special effect, which prevents me from using any of the awesome cross-class combinations.

Does this high dragon have any vulnerabilities? What are some effective tactics to kill it?


As it's a fire dragon, it's extremely susceptible to cold: stock up on +cold damage items like Cold-Blooded or Mutiny, and try to get the Elemental Weapons spell.

But the fight is supposed to be a long one: it's got a huge amount of health. Health potions probably aren't going to cut it, and you should dedicate one of your party members to be the healer. Also make sure to stock up on fire resistance gear.

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