Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Druids (or maybe paladins) only guild in WoW. Possible? Even for ultimate PvE and / or PvP?


I know almost nothing about raiding and pvp'ing in World of Warcraft. So I'm just wondering. Probably I should be asking this question after learning those basics, but well...

I've googled around a little and this topic doesn't come up much. I've read somewhere it couldn't kill the Lich King (an outdated topic) and elsewhere that he was in such a guild, but that's back from 2007.

What you say? Can it be done? Would it work better with Druids or Paladins?

I'm sure 5-men groups can be very successful, and maybe even 10-men. I also understand this has a high risk of getting nerfed by some patch, so this has to be a "4fun" guild per definition.

Neways, I'm wondering mostly about what has been done in that sense.


Back in the very early days of WoW my raiding guild had loads and loads of Paladins. They staged a raid on Molten Core that was 40 Paladins once, just for fun. I think they did pretty well. as I recall they got to at least Baron Geddon before wiping and may have possibly beat Shazzrah. This was when the level cap was 60 and before even Blackwing Lair opened.

I'd say a PvP guild would work just fine, you'd just have to adjust tactics and make sure you've a variety of specs to cover the different roles.

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