Sunday, August 14, 2011

Completing the final room of "Kumoon"?


Ok, first, a bit about the game. Kumoon is a small 3D game where you control a chick through various rooms of stacked blocks. the goal is to knock all of the red blocks down by shooting them, or pushing them with other blocks. I wouldn't be surprised if nobody else here has played this little 3D physics gem, but if you have, maybe you can help me out.

I cannot figure out how I'm supposed to pass the final room (room 39) of this game. I've tried everything I can think of, but no luck. Any ideas?

Screenshot of the game.  Looks fun, dunnit?

Note: Even if you haven't played Kumoon before, I sincerely suggest you give it a try. It's a tiny download, and surprisingly entertaining. It should only take you maybe 45 minutes to get through it the first time, depending on how quickly you get the hang of it, however make sure you read the Kumoon homepage for information about scoring, or else you'll be completely lost on how it works.


There is a walktrough

Try it =)

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