Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Can't remember the name of a point and click edutainment game


It was an old Windows 98/2000 game, and it was 2D.

I remember it had pretty good art. It was a fun puzzle game.

If you clicked to go down into the basement the character would say "The basement, the final frontier". There was a puzzle where you had to do something with ingredients in the kitchen (I just remember a catchy song about cups, quarts, pints, and gallons). At the end of some hall you needed a VIP pass to get in. iirc you play as a little boy.

Gah, I remember so much but know so little!


I believe you're thinking of The Fennels Figure Math, from 1996. The 'little boy' you play as is named Baxter Fennel.

The Fennels Figure Math - The Kitchen

Game Developer's Website & Image Source

I remember playing this when I was younger. I don't recall ever actually finishing it; some of the puzzles were fairly difficult (for me, particularly because the game uses the imperial measurement system)!

The part of the game you're referring to that dealt with liquid measurements took place inside the refrigerator. There is a talking cow on one of the shelves, and you have to help her 'output' her milk using the correct measurements.

Hope this helps. :)

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