Wednesday, August 10, 2011

C64 game with a green animal (possibly a frog) as the main character?


I'm trying to remember the name of a game I played on the Commodore 64 I had as a kid in the mid-1980s. I'm pretty sure it was a platform game with horizontal scrolling. The play went from left to right. The character was an animal, possibly a frog, almost certainly green. The main landscape surface was green grass, but there were areas (brown?) that hurt you if stepped on them. I think these were radioactive areas? We only had a tape drive, so it definitely came on that medium. It was on a cassette with several other games, and I think it was towards the end of the tape.

Sorry this is slightly vague and not a lot to go on, but I was only about 7 and that was a long time ago now.

Edit: I'm not thinking of Frogger - that's a plan view game, and the one I'm trying to identify was side view.


Gribbly's Day Out

Gribbly's Day Out by the legendary Andy Braybrook?

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