Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What affects your “pass grade” in Crayon Physics Deluxe?


After solving the first few levels in Crayon Physics my "world map" looks like this:

enter image description here

It appears I earned two flags on the first level, one flag on the following two, no flag for the fourth, then I earned two flags and... a ball.

Is that just cosmetic, or does it depend on how well I did? If so, how can I improve this score?


Those are cosmetic. Only the stars count. You can improve your score by finishing a round in one of the following ways.

  1. Hole in one - for this, you have to get the star by drawing a single line
  2. Old School, and - for this, you shouldn't touch the ball or draw any pins
  3. Awesome - the user marks a solution "awesome".

You can look for some sample solutions on youtube walkthroughs for each. :)

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