Monday, July 11, 2011

How to spec a Shaman for leveling and instancing in WoW?


I have a dilema - before starting a shaman I did some reading on what to spec it as, and most articles said to go for Enhancement, since that's the best for leveling - I did just that.

Just the other day, I decided to go to my first instance (Deadmines), and I selected myself as healer (which may or may not have been the best thing to do?). As we were going through, I tried my best healing with the 1 healing spell I had. Half way through the instance, things started hitting significantly harder, and I couldn't heal fast enough, so the tank died, twice (2 hitter deaths) - next thing I know, I Was kicked from the group.

I guess my question is - what did I do wrong? I was literally chain casting that healing spell. Should I have gone for DPS instead of the healer? Should I respec to restoration? How will that affect my leveling? I was completely demoralised after being kicked - totally killing my want to play the game in general.

Any tips from other shamans on the spec?


You're right in that you should not have tried to heal as Enhancement. Not only are there equipment differences (I'm guessing you didn't have much INT or spell power gear?), but by not being Restoration, you miss out on a powerful heal spell (Earth Shield) and a 1 second cast-time reduction on your only other healing spell for that level - Healing Wave.

As soon as you hit level 30 (At least, I think it's 30...) you will unlock the ability to have a dual talent spec. This means you can have a restoration spec for healing instances, and an enhancement spec for soloing when you're not running dungeons.

Regarding being kicked from the instance group: it's rough being a new player, and sometimes other players forget that. Chin up, don't let it get to you, and I'd suggest finding a guild, or making some in-game friends that can help you learn.

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