Monday, July 11, 2011

Help identify an early 90s isometric dungeon puzzle game for PC


I'm trying to find a game I played on the PC, I think in the late 80s or early 90s.

It was an isometric adventure game set mostly in dungeons. The player controlled a party of 4 characters, each of a different class. The 4 characters were required to be used together to solve puzzles in many dungeon 'rooms' (I recall switches being involved), as well as fighting the various monsters. I think the game may have been a sequel.

Can anyone recall such a game?


It sounds like Legend, one of my favourite games of the 90's. You have four characters of different classes, and explore a series of isometric dungeons. The dungeons had switches and also magical rune squares, which connected to form door-opening and floor-moving puzzles. The game was also notable for its innovative spell system, which involved grinding up ingredients to construct different spell runes. The runes could then be chained together as you chose, to create your own custom spells.

There was a sequel, called Worlds of Legend: Son of the Empire, which probably has similar gameplay, but I haven't actually played it myself.

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