Monday, July 11, 2011

Good strategy for earning money fast in Plants vs. Zombies on iPhone


I'm trying to collect all the achievements in Plants vs. Zombies on the iPhone. I need lots of money to buy all the plants so I've been trying to work out a way to basically farm some money in the game. I've tried using Marigolds and the Magnet with a bunch of Tall-Nuts to slow the last few zombies down considerably, but the Marigolds only spawn money a few times before stopping.


For the iPhone version i recommend using Marigolds on lvl 1.1 (only the base zombie)

Basically you want to set up 3 lanes of marigolds with a single garlic at the front to divert the zombie into the other 2 lanes.

I hope this unicode art makes sense

│S│M│M│M│M│M│M│M│G│ ← Z
│P│T│W│ │ │ │ │ │ │ ← Z 
│S│X│M│M│M│X│M│M│G│ ← Z
│P│T│W│ │ │ │ │ │ │ ← Z
│S│M│M│M│M│M│M│M│G│ ← Z


  • S = Sunflower/TwinSunflower
  • M = Marigold
  • P = Peashooter
  • G = Garlic
  • X = Gold Magnet shrooms
  • T = Tallnuts
  • W = Spikeweeds

The idea is to slow do how you kill the zombies. So as quickly as possibly place the garlics to direct the zombies into the two lanes that are protected. After the initial setup, it's just a matter of place the marigolds as quickly as possibly.

EDIT: I should have said that you place the gold magnet shrooms so thank you get automatic coin collection, having two means less chance of a miss.

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