Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tool for knowing what to set auction prices to


Economies differ and if you're new to the auction house, it can be overwhelming. Lately when I want to sell something, I have to see if anyone else is selling it also and figure out what the average price is so I can put up an item with a reasonable price. If no one has the item up, I have to resort to googling and other tactics.

Is there a tool which just tells you when you're creating auctions what it sells best at or something similar? Any kind of add-on that is easy to use and not cumbersome?

Asked by imaginative


Check out Auctioneer. This fancy add-on has a full array of fancy options to customize your desired profit, current market prices, averages, etc. This helped me a lot over time achieve maximum profit while still producing a sale.

enter image description here

Answered by Foxtrot

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