Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Why are some weapon fusions blocked out with a question mark?


In the weapon fusion menu, some combinations of items contain an "X" in their location box, and both their name and display image are just quesiton marks (??? and ? respectively). I'm unable to combine these items, but my instincts tell me that there is something more to this.

Is there some restriction that prevents me from combining certain items until later in the campaign (and if so, what is it, and how do I remove it)? Or are some items just not able to be fused?

Asked by Wipqozn


These are weapons that can't be fused at the moment, but will become fusable later. There's at least two different kinds:

  • Zodiac weapons - Leo Cannon, Sagittarius Bow, etc. These are unlocked for fusion when you find their hidden chambers in different levels.
  • Boss weapons - Pandora Claws, Gaol Blade, etc. These are given to you when you beat the boss of that name, and are unlocked for fusion at the same time.

Whether eventually all combinations become fusable, I don't know - I haven't beaten every boss or found every zodiac weapon yet. But my fusion grid is becoming very dense, so I'm guessing yes.

Answered by Joe Wreschnig

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