Monday, March 26, 2012

When is it viable to build a gold per 10 item on a carry?


Usually supports are the ones getting the GP/10 items, but I've seen a few carries building those items. When is it viable to build a GP/10 on a carry?


The only time you would want to build a gold/10 item on a carry is if it is building into an item you are already getting (i.e. ghostblade, deathfire grasp). A gold/10 item takes about 13 minutes to pay for its purchase (if you are selling it) in a game. This is 12 minutes that your income is locked into an item when you could be building something else. Supports get them because they will ideally be leaving all the creeps to the carries and need income. Only build on a carry if it is beneficial to your end build, not as gold boost for a short time.

Answered by Piskie

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