Monday, March 26, 2012

How can I earn more Gems?


Gems are Dragonvale's premium currency. There are some awesome looking dragons I could get, but I don't have enough Gems.

Is there an in-game way to earn Gems? Or do I just have to buy them for real world money/get them as gifts?

Asked by Ashley Nunn


The only ways to get gems are to:

  • Purchase them
  • Be given them by friends (one gem per friend per day, limited to 3/7 friends a day)
  • Win Colosseum matches.

The Colosseum will win you 0/2/5 gems per day. You can enter one dragon a day, and at most you'll get 5 gems per day back as a reward.

Note gems are mostly for extras; speeding up actions, upgrading certain buildings (the nursery) or buying special buildings (the extra breeding cave).

Answered by Ben Brocka

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