Friday, July 15, 2011

What determines time spent dead in League of Legends?


I've just started playing League of Legends, so I'm getting plenty of first hand experience with being dead. However, I haven't figured out what determines the length of time I spend in limbo, does anyone know the time amounts and/or the formula to determine how much time my X number death will cost me?


Champion Level and time spent in the game are the main factors (longer games = longer death timers; higher level = longer death timers), and then reduced by Masteries and some Quintessences. Karthus and Kog'maw get reduced death timers because of their passives (reduced by an amount equal to the time spent dead but not yet out of play).

As far as I'm aware, there hasn't been a calculated formula for champion death time yet (at least, one known by the players).

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