Saturday, July 16, 2011

In Dungeons of Dredmor, what determines the result when offering items to Krong?


When you put an item on the altar of Krong, the outcome seems pretty random: either it gets cursed or some benefits (sometimes these are not very relevant - as in an armor item getting pluses or minuses to mana regeneration when playing a warrior).

Is this process random, or is there anything you can do to influence the outcome? I've had a couple of theories:

  1. If you've bought the item from a shop, it's more likely to be cursed
  2. If you've crafted the item yourself, it's more likely to get a good effect
  3. If Krong has blessed an item before, he won't do so again
  4. It's completely random, the game chooses one 'stat' to modify and does so in a random direction (most likely +/- 1)

Only theory #4 seems to be holding up so far... I've never seen a curse and a blessing at the same time.

So how does Krong work, exactly?


Krong is completely random. However, if an artifact is already an artifact, he is more likely to try to increment an existing statistic as opposed to giving you a new one.

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