Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to transport items upwards in Minecraft?


Is there a way to transport items upwards from, say, a monster trap? Water flow works fine downwards.


Edit: With the addition of pistons into Minecraft, YouTuber Basxt came up with a very clever way to make an "item elevator", using pistons. However, since pistons can only push 12 blocks at a time, you'd need to make many of these elevators that pass the items off to each other in order to transport items a large distance upwards.

Begin original answer:

There is no way to transfer items upwards. However, specific to your point about transporting items from a monster trap, you can instead move the mobs upwards and kill them above.

YouTuber EthosLab has a 4 part tutorial on how to make a mob trap. His system contains a tunnel that transports the mobs upwards, and the information he gives (audio) about it is very useful.

Part 1:

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