Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode 0.31.25 - Steel or Better Weapons?


Is it possible to find Steel (or even Adamantine) weapons / armour anywhere (other than starting out as a dwarf)? Iron is alright during the start of the game, but once well-equipped goblin ambush parties start appearing, my attacks seem to bounce off pretty much anywhere.

BTW (and please don't eat me) I do not have a fort up yet. I seem to enjoy adventure mode too much.


Adventure mode, as it exists currently, really only has support for Humans and Human towns. This means that finding Steel weapons (there is nothing better) is quite bothersome. There are two ways you can try to get steel weapons, however.

  • Get ambushed by Kobolds

Kobolds steal weapons from other civilizations, so they can have steel weaponry if they've been harassing dwarf civs. However, Kobolds tend to starve during Worldgen currently, so you might want to try adding the [NO_EAT] tag to them if you want a non-dead Kobold civ in the first place.

  • Find a Night Creature Lair near a Dwarf City

Night Creaturs go out and raid nearby towns, taking the possessions of their victims back with them. If they raid a Dwarven City, this means they have a possibility of having a stockpile of steel treasure in their lair

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